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Illuminera Accredited as Service Partner of Ali's Data Bank

2017-07-19 Illuminera

2017-05-27, Shanghai

After being awarded the Gold Partner, Illuminera was once again accredited as the Service Partner of Ali’s Brand Data Bank. This achievement proves our state-of-art capability in data empowerment and high recognition of our addition aid in maximizing the business value of our clients.

Ali’s Brand Data Bank commits itself to the following tasks:

•   Provide business diagnosis of complete consumer journey

•   Map out consumer profile according to the results

•   Locate and activate data assets

•   Help convert consumer insights and potential communication opportunities to applicable and effective multi-channel marketing campaigns both online and offline

By completing the missions, it will help Illuminera integrate isolated data resources and develop consolidated consumer equity in one centralized platform.

Specializing in application of data empowerment, IlluminAnalytics, a part of Illuminera Group, has been devoting itself to enforce digital revolution in brand marketing. Its expertise in consumer insights, data analysis and modeling, and its rich experience in brand/ marketing/ growth strategy consulting lay a solid foundation for its success.


IlluminAnalytics started to adapt to Ali’s data platform and offer data empowerment service for clients in 2015. The group built up a deep understanding has secured solid understanding and implemented many cases on Ali’s data bank with complete confidentiality. Being accredited as the service partner will entitle IlluminAnalytics to help drive clients’ transformation to digital customer services in the following three areas.

All-channel insights and proprietary DMP

To keep more accurate tabs and target more scattered consumer groups, IlluminAnalytics group will map out consumer journey throughout the AIPL process and sketch a 360-degree consumer portrait accordingly. By doing so, brands will be able to achieve an optimized consumer equity and increasingly effective media placements both in and out of Ali’s platform.

Algorithm driven automated uni-marketing optimizer

The group will provide clients with an automated media placement solution in consideration of touch points, scattered consumer groups, and touch frequency based on a programmed multi-channel media placement system. Moreover, it will help clients develop consolidated consumer equity by activating campaign data connections to reinforce the whole loop. 

CRM marketing

Based on the data provided by clients and those generated by all marketing campaigns in Ali platform, AlluminAnalytics group will formulate a uni-marketing strategy.

For more information, please contact us at 8621 6360 8005 or email Yan.Xu@illuminera.com.

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