What should pharmaceutical companies do to survive? Patient-centric model is the key to winning.
Patients have more influence and control over treatment decisions, consumerization is consequently on the rise in the pharmaceutical industry. And for pharmaceutical companies, the essence of consumerization is to build a patient-centric business model, integrating all the key tools and resources to better meet patients' needs and reshape their treatment decisions. On March 10th, at the 1st Pharma Strategy & Innovation Summit (PSIS) will be held by Illuminera, discussing the challenges and opportunities in the pharma industry and how to build a new patient-centric business model.
Past pitfalls Vs. future direction
When pharmaceutical marketers first get involved in a patient project, they tend to come across some pitfalls: solution instead of strategy, shortsighted instead of big picture, offering w/o clear value proposition. To avoid these pitfalls, a smart "patient solution" should focus on 4 things: strategy first, fitting the patient journey, considering the big picture and layout early, and defining KPI or ROI. The Close-loop Patient Pathway Engineering (PPE) model proposed by Illuminera would start from the pharmaceutical ecology, comprehensively plans the patient-centric journey, introduces and explores more stakeholder interactions, and creates the best experience for patients.
Bearing FMCG mindset to treat patients as consumers
The "pharmaceutical consumerization" explored by medical companies is exactly the survival rule of FMCG industry practice for decades. However which areas should be more consumer-oriented? What is the path to success? With rich practical experience in the consumer sector, Illuminera emphasized the importance to embrace FMCG mindset to reshape and implement the patient-driven model for pharmaceutical companies. It meant when designing the "consumerized" patient management solutions, brands should try to generate patient’ internal demands, use data as the crucial driver across the whole journey, focus on brand experience and differentiation, and define refined patient operation.
Data empowerment for patient education across platforms and opportunity of pharmaceutical e-commerce
How do you structure patient education throughout the patient's journey? What indicators are used to evaluate the effect? How to facilitate patient’s post-exposure transactions? Ghawar, a novel consumer-perspective mobile insight platform of Illuminera, fully responds to the pain points of patient education in the pharmaceutical industry, captures the demand insight of patients’ behaviors on multiple platforms, and improves the effectiveness of strategies. In the face of the challenges brought by the rise of pharmaceutical e-commerce, the data experts of Illuminera explained how to optimize the brand strategy under the pharmaceutical e-commerce channel, how to improve the routine patient operation and reshape the experience path of patients in pharmaceutical e-commerce.
With 15 years of solid experience in healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, Illuminera healthcare teams will continue to work with clients to seize new opportunities in this complex pharmaceutical arena and lay the foundation for market success.
New product launch leaders and brand leaders, business unit or project leader for marketing, branding, customer insights, product and service innovation, strategy and communications, digital transformation of pharmaceutical and medical companies, etc.
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Seats are limited on a first-come,
first-served basis.
Paul Zhou, CEO of Illuminera
Adele Wu, Boutique Leader of IHEALTH, Illuminera
Douglas Xu, GC Head of Lifescan
Evan Zhou, Boutique Leader of MEDX, Illuminera
Alice He, Boutique Leader of ALGO, Illuminera
Faye Tang, Boutique Leader of GROWTHX, Illuminera
Aaron Guo, Associate Director of GROWTHX, Illuminera
Leon Duan,Digital Transformation VP, Illuminera
James Sun,GM of Acron