The following are some of the long-standing issues that plague marketers: How to optimize different media channels simultaneously? How to devise a media plan based on consumer behavior? How to s...
China is now one of the fastest-growing regional market in the global chocolate market due to the public’s increasing affinity for foreign chocolate brand. Our client is a popular intern...
Traditionally when companies build marketing strategy most tend to approach the strategy in a piece-meal fashion: brand positioning, communication, channels, and etc. are all explored but largel...
Our client was a luxury auto maker that boasted supreme quality of European cars while retaining certain distinctive brand characteristics. However, around 2014, while competitors were expanding th...
Zoom, a brand of candy from a multinational firm, enjoyed a reasonable popularity in urban China, but like many other FMCG brands, was struggling to find its feet on the web. As many brands did, it...
Company X has a long history playing in one of the main infectious disease areas and offers a portfolio of three products. At the time of engagement, two of the products were well-known but...