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A Superior Brand Strategy Backed by a Well-loved Brand Icon
A Superior Brand Strategy Backed by a Well-loved Brand Icon
2018-01-31 iHEALTH

Roche Diagnostics is a market leader in the hospital diagnostic equipment market where after-sale service plays an important role in customers’ usage experience. The Roche Customer Care (Roche C...

Charting the Success of a Product Portfolio
Charting the Success of a Product Portfolio
2018-01-08 iHEALTH

Company X has a long history playing in one of the main infectious disease areas and offers a portfolio of three products.  At the time of engagement, two of the products were well-known but...

Sizing Up the Oncology Market
Sizing Up the Oncology Market
2018-01-07 iHEALTH

For pharmaceutical companies with significant stake in the Chinese oncology market, it’s a headache to answer their headquarters’ questions such as “How large is the Chinese oncology market i...

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